A breakthrough medical testing system for rapid point-of-care diagnostics
SpinDx™ is a breakthrough technology that can test blood and diagnose up to 64 assays on a single disk within 15 minutes of sample collection. When an ill patient currently arrives at the hospital or a doctor’s office, they are examined, sent to a lab where vials of blood are collected, and sent home to wait for results. This approach often means patients must wait days or weeks to get results. They aren’t receiving treatment during that waiting period, which can be critical for cancer, heart attack, and stroke patients.
Requiring less than a pinprick of blood, this four-pound machine can revolutionize the way we get test results. Besides the inherent portability of the SpinDx™, the assay disks it uses can be manufactured for pennies—making this affordable for small and large practices with the potential to drive down visit and testing costs and shorten the time to treatment. This technology also has applications beyond medical diagnostics. The SpinDx™ technology can be broadly applied to food safety testing, bioterrorism detection, and commercial drug testing markets.
To learn more about this tool, please contact GCBS@sandia.gov
Key Features
- Extremely fast—sample to results within 15 minutes
- Ease of use—no sample prep required
- Portable—easily taken into the field
- Cost-effective—disks cost less than 10 cents each to manufacture
- Multiplexing—up to 64 assays on a single disk